Technical Support Services
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Before choosing a software system your business will rely on, find out how you will be treated when you need help! At SBS, we actually answer the phone when it rings! Over 99% of callers speak immediately with a live Technical Support Specialist who knows Keystroke software systems! Not with a receptionist and not to a recording on a message machine. 98% of all Keystroke issues are closed on the same day. Most are resolved within a few minutes!
SBS understands that when you need help, you need it right away! Who has time to wait 4 to 8 hours for a callback as promised by many other software companies? SBS does not use support scripts. Our customer service personnel know the Keystroke POS program inside and out, and can help you with your unique problems.
Software updates are included with all Keystroke Software Maintenance Service plans. Other software companies charge separately for software updates in addition to technical support, which can really add up.
With Keystroke, you own the license to use the software for your business needs, and subscribe only for the level of service you need. Update your POS system with new features and other improvements as often as needed with no added cost.
Test us. Don't just take our word for it! Pick up the phone and call us during business hours, 8:00am to 6:00pm Mountain Time (Monday through Friday, except holidays). 1-800-ASK-4SBS or 1-800-275-4727. Or, email Support. We are confident you'll find Keystroke Technical Support Services are clearly a step above all others.
We are not just making this stuff up! The above statistics are real. These numbers are the result of analyzing more than 69,000 calls over a one year period. SBS employees have been with the company an average of over 5 years! They live and breathe Keystroke POS, and that enables us to run at this efficiency level.
Keystroke Superior Technical Support Services
Your local Authorized Keystroke POS Dealer is the best source for personalized training and technical support services for the Keystroke system. SBS offers a variety of Software Maintenance Service Plans to provide your business with access to software updates and telephone assistance for when your dealer representative is not immediately available.
Businesses running Keystroke Point of Sale can always expect a knowledgeable and helpful Support Technician to answer the phone when calling SBS during business hours. And, that technician can usually provide the required assistance immediately. If it is ever necessary to leave a message for a call back, that call back can be expected within minutes, not hours.

Software Maintenance Service
Software Maintenance Service (SMS) is free to all new Keystroke users for the first 90 days after installation. Thereafter, users may subscribe to one of the Software Maintenance Service Plans.
SMS includes telephone assistance via a toll-free number and also includes program updates (both major releases and minor enhancements). Program updates are available only through the SMS and are not sold separately. Priority technical assistance via telephone is available from 8:00am to 6:00pm Mountain Time (Monday through Friday, except holidays).
Users who renew SMS before it lapses are awarded a $200 discount. Most Keystroke users take advantage of this value year after year!
View or print annual rates for Software Maintenance Plans
To order:
- call your local Authorized Keystroke Dealer to place your order, OR
- call 1-800-275-4727 to order with your credit card, OR
- send the appropriate payment amount to: Specialized Business Solutions, 2508 E. Broadway, Long Beach, CA 90803
If you have any questions (such as your SMS renewal date or amount to pay) please call SBS at 1-800-275-4727. To ensure that your payment is applied to the proper account, please write your Keystroke Serial Number in the lower left corner of your check, and if you have not already done so, include your completed Product Registration form.
Due to the diverse potential uses and integration issues of Keystroke Extension programs, technical support for these programs is not a part of our standard SMS. Support assistance for these programs is available at a rate of $200 per hour.