
Find Relevant Documents Through Our Search Engine

Search the SBS Website

To search this web site, simply enter keywords or phrases into the form below.

Search Tips:

The SBS search engine helps you find documents on this web site. Here's how it works. Tell the search engine what you're looking for by typing keywords, phrases, or questions into the search box. The search engine responds by giving you a list of all the web pages in our index relating to those topics. The most relevant content will appear at the top of your results.

How To Use The Search:

1. Type your keywords in the search box.
2. Press the Search Now button to start your search.

Here's an example:

1. Type backup in the search box.
2. Press the Search button or press the Enter key.
3. The Results page will show you the pages on our web site that contain backup information.
Tip: Don't worry if you find a large number of results. In fact, use more than a couple of words when searching. Even though the number of results will be large, the most relevant content will always appear at the top of the result pages.

The Basics - An Overview

Our index is a large, growing, organized collection of pages within our web site. The index becomes larger as more pages are added to the web site. When you use the search engine, you search the entire collection using your keywords or phrases.

When searching, think of a word as a combination of letters and numbers. The search engine needs to know how to separate words and numbers to find exactly what you want in the index. You can separate words using white space and tabs.

You can link words and numbers together into phrases if you want specific words or numbers to appear together in your result pages. If you want to find an exact phrase, use "double quotation marks" around the phrase when you enter words in the search box.
Example #1: To find information on the Superior SBS Technical Support Services, type "technical support" in the search box (including the starting and ending double quotation marks). You can also create phrases using punctuation or special characters such as dashes, underscore lines, commas, slashes, or dots.
Example #2: Try searching for 1-800-275-4727 instead of 1 800 275 4727. The dashes link the numbers together as a phrase.

Simple Tips for More Exact Searches

Searches are case insensitive. Searching for "Dealers" will match the lowercase "dealers" and uppercase "DEALERS".
All searches are accent insensitive as well (accent sensitivity relates to Latin characters like õ).

Including or excluding words:

To make sure that a specific word is always included in your search topic, place the plus (+) symbol before the keyword in the search box. To make sure that a specific word is always excluded from your search topic, place a minus (-) sign before the keyword in the search box.

Expand your search using wildcards (*):

By typing an * within a keyword, you can match up to four letters.
Example: Try pric* to find price, prices, or pricing.

Fancy Features for Typical Searches

You can search more than just text. Here are some other ways you can search this web site.


Finds pages that contain the specified text in any part of the page other than an image tag, link, or URL. The search text:inventory would find all pages with the text term inventory in them.


Finds pages that contain the specified word or phrase in the page title (which appears in the title bar of most browsers). The search title:Utilities would find pages with Utilities in the title.